Snow White and the "Poison" Apple Cupcakes

We had my niece over yesterday night to celebrate her birthday.  I'd bought this genius cupcake decorating book, What's Up, Cupcake?, a few months ago and really loved the red sparkly apple cupcake design and was dying to try it.  Then, it occurred to me that my niece is a big fan of scary movies like Snow White so I could make it a Snow White and the poison apple theme.

The cupcakes were a big hit (or at least a topic of conversation).  What I didn't anticipate was that my 3 1/2 year old would have a melt down because he couldn't have the Snow White cupcake.

p.s.  This will be the first and last time that I use heavy food coloring for anything that's in our house.  We have a lot of laundry to do today!